Quiz Dot-to-Dot Generator

Welcome to the Quiz Dot-to-Dot Generator, an exclusive game at Oh, My Dots!
This game is similar to a classic connect-the-dots game, but with a twist. In order to reveal the image, you must connect the dots that correspond to the quiz answers. To begin using the quiz dot-to-dot creator, simply click the button below and select an image from your device. You can also drag and drop any image from your browser into the designated area.

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Enter the Quiz Questions

Quiz Title

Number of questions


Answer the questions to connect the dots and draw a picture.
For each question there are two or more answers. Connect only the right ones to draw the picture.

Question 1

Crop the image

Position the dots

Remove color:

Each indicate where the right answer will be positioned. Click/tap on a dot and drag it to the desired position. The wrong answers will be added randomly close to the right ones.

Preview the game

Font size:
Image hint:
Only inside shape:

Set the font size using the buttons or the slider. Press Start to simulate the game.

Setup a custom sequence


A custom sequence can be anything from numbers to text. To create a sequence just enter one item per row in the Sequence field.

For each line you can add one or more wrong values. To do so, just separate the values by semi-colons (;). The first value is always the right one.

Enter an explanation to help the players understand how to solve the sequence. The explanation appears before starting the game.

The generator helps you creating sequences automatically without entering the values one-by-one. Just try it out to see how it works.

When you are done, just press the Apply button or press the back button to cancel your changes.

Which game would you like to create?