Learning times table is always a hard thing for kids. But you can make it fun by making it a connect the dots game! Here you will learn how to create a fun multiplication times table worksheet to print or to play online.
What is a times table dot-to-dot game?
Everybody knows what a classical dot-to-dot game is: you have dots with numbers that once joined create or complete a drawing. Usually the numbers go in sequence from 1 to 10 or 1 to 20. But, what if you could have a times table sequence instead of 1 to 10? At Oh, My Dots! you can create a connect the dots game using a custom sequence, and this includes of course the times table.

To create a fun times table printable worksheet, just follow the steps in this how-to guide:
How to create a custom times table dot-to-dot worksheet
Open the website www.ohmydots.com
In your preferred web browser type ohmydots.com in the address bar.
Open the dot-to-dot game generator
In the Oh, My Dots home page, click on the “Create my own connect the dots game” button or in the “Create a game” button.
Select a picture to create the game
Click on browse and select your desired picture to convert into a dot-to-dot game. Alternatively you can drag picture into the designed area (from another browser tab for instance).
Select the number of dots and adjust the dots
Click in the points box and type 10 and press Enter to reduce the game to 10 dots. You can click and drag the dots to the desired position. When finished press the Next button.
Select the “Custom Sequence” type
In the preview game screen, press the custom sequence button (pen).
Generate the times table custom sequence
In the custom sequence window, set the desired multiple and press Generate. To go back to the preview window press the Apply button.
Create or print your dot-to-dot worksheet
Here you can still change the font size, the game style and set an Image hint. To create and share the game, press the Create button. If you just want to print it, press the Print button.
If you are planning to print the image, you might want to select an Image hint mode. With only 10 dots will be hard for the child to find out what is the image.
Now you have a free online times table dot-to-dot game to play, share and print!